Names Meaning Second Chance – 160+ Unique & Thoughtful Ideas

Are you searching for names that carry a profound meaning related to the concept of a second chance? Whether you are expecting a new addition to your family or simply intrigued by names that symbolize resilience, redemption, and renewal, you have come to the right place.

The word second carries various meanings, adding depth to its significance. It can denote something following in a sequence or order, like achieving second place in a competition.

Moreover, second may signify providing support or coming after something or someone. Frequently, it is associated with a unit of time or measurement. Sometimes, such names are chosen to pay tribute to a departed family member or friend.

From Twila to Abel, there are many interesting names from all over the world. If you are ready for it, explore our list of names that mean second chance. You can also go through other exciting options like   Name That Means Secret, Names That Mean Quiet, Names That Mean Wisdom, and Names That Mean Lightning.

Best Names That Mean Second Chance

Best Names That Mean Second Chance

1. Aliana (Irish) – Second chance

2. Amara (African) – Grace

3. Aarush (Indian) – Beginning of new life

4. Abel (Hebrew) – Breath, or second

5. Arpi (Armenian) – Renewal

6. Asha (Indian) – Hope

7. Blythe (English) – Happy

8. Brynn (Welsh) – Second chance

9. Bodhi (Indian) – Awakening

10. Braxton (English) – Second son

11. Casper (Greek) – Treasurer

12. Chance (English) – Second chance

13. Chava (Hebrew) – Life

14. Clara (Latin) – Bright

15. Dahlia (Scandinavian) – Second chance

16. Daren (English) – Second-born son

17. Elian (Hebrew) – God has answered

18. Fadi (Arabic) – Saviour

19. Grace (Latin) – God’s favor

20. Hope (English) – Confident expectation

21. Imogen (Irish) – Second chance

22. Kaia (Greek) – Pure

23. Kami (Japanese) – Second chance

24. Ophelia (Greek) – Help

25. Onur (Turkish) – Second chance

26. Penelope (Greek) – Weaver

27. Phoebe (Greek) – Bright, pure

28. Phoenix (Greek) – Rising from the ashes

29. Quinlan (Irish) – Second chance

30. Talia (Hebrew) – Dew from heaven

31. Tessa (Greek) – Second chance

Girl Names Meaning Second Chance

Girl Names Meaning Second Chance

1. Alauna (Latin) – Renewal

2. Anahita (Persian) – Immortal

3. Anastasia (Greek) – Resurrection

4. Athena (Greek) – Goddess of wisdom

5. Ava (Latin) – Life

6. Azriel (Hebrew) – God is my help

7. Cassandra (Greek) – Prophetess

8. Eden (Hebrew) – Delight

9. Eliana (Hebrew) – God has answered

10. Ella (English) – All

11. Faith (English) – Belief

12. Gia (Italian) – God’s gracious gift

13. Inara (Arabic) – Light

14. Jada (Hebrew) – Wise

15. Liberty (Latin) – Freedom

16. Lucy (Latin) – Light

17. Nessa (Hebrew) – Miracle

18. Nova (Latin) – New

19. Olivia (Latin) – Olive tree

20. Sophia (Greek) – Wisdom

21. Vivian (Latin) – Alive

22. Zoe (Greek) – Life

Boy Names Meaning Second Chance

Boy Names Meaning Second Chance

1. Aaren (English) – Second chance

2. Abijam (Hebrew) – Second father

3. Ademola (African) – Second crown

4. Aiden (Irish) – Little fire

5. Aine (Irish) – Second

6. Ander (Basque) – Second chance

7. Ansel (German) – God’s protection

8. Arjun (Hindu) – Secondborn

9. Arren (Irish) – Second

10. Asher (Hebrew) – Happy

11. Atli (Scandinavian) – Father of second chance

12. Benji (Hebrew) – Son of my right hand

13. Benyamin (Hebrew) – Son of the right hand

14. Canaan (Hebrew) – Second chance

15. Clemence (French) – Mercy, leniency

16. Danesh (Persian) – Second knowledge

17. Darcy (Irish) – Second chance

18. Faraj (Arabic) – Relief

19. Ian (Gaelic) – God is gracious

20. Jaden (Hebrew) – God has heard

21. Nathan (Hebrew) – Gift

22. Oliver (Latin) – Olive tree

23. Quinn (Gaelic) – Wise

24. Saahil (Arabic) – Guide

25. Sean (Gaelic) – God is gracious

26. Seth (Hebrew) – Appointed

27. Theo (Greek) – God-given

28. Wren (English) – Second chance

Unisex Names That Mean Second Chance

Unisex Names That Mean Second Chance

1. Akira (Japanese) – Meaning bright or clear

2. Amal (Arabic) – Meaning hope or aspiration

3. Amani (Swahili) – Meaning peace or harmony

4. Aria (Italian) – Meaning air or melody

5. Asha (Sanskrit) – Meaning hope or expectation

6. Asher (Hebrew) – Meaning fortunate or blessed

7. Caius (Latin) – Meaning rejoice or rejoicer

8. Dakota (Sioux) – Meaning friend or ally

9. Elara (Greek) – Meaning bright or shining

10. Hikaru (Japanese) – Meaning light or radiance

11. Kai (Hawaiian) – Meaning sea or ocean

12. Nia (Swahili) – Meaning purpose or intent

13. Ren (Japanese) – Meaning lotus or love

14. Revathi (Hindu) – Meaning prosperity or success

15. Riku (Japanese) – Meaning second or next

16. Seraph (Hebrew) – Meaning burning one or fiery

17. Shafiq (Arabic) – Meaning compassionate or kind

Cool Names Meaning Second Chance

1. Ash – Representing a new beginning and a second chance to start fresh

2. Cleo – Meaning glory or famous

3. Esperanza – Spanish name meaning hope

4. Felix – Latin name meaning happy or fortunate

5. Luna – Meaning moon

6. Nirvana – A name representing a state of enlightenment and a second chance at a peaceful life

7. Phoenix – Symbolizing rebirth

8. Sage – A name representing wisdom

Unique Names That Mean Second Chance

Unique Names That Mean Second Chance

1. Asher (Hebrew) – Fortunate or second chance

2. Esperanza (Spanish) – Hope

3. Marisela (Spanish) – Second chance at the sea

4. Nadine (French) – Hope or second chance

5. Nadira (Arabic) – Rare or second chance

6. Nava (Hebrew) – Beautiful or second chance

7. Ophelia (Greek) – Help or second chance

8. Phoenix (Greek) – Reborn or second chance

9. Renata (Latin) – Born again or second chance

10. Zara (Hebrew) – Princess or second chance

Names That Mean Chance

Names That Mean Chance

1. Alea (Greek) – Meaning game of chance

2. Aventure (French) – Meaning adventure or chance

3. Fortuna (Latin) – Meaning fortune or chance

4. Hanse (German) – Meaning luck or chance

5. Hazard (French) – Meaning risk or chance

6. Ishara (Sanskrit) – Meaning an encouraging sign or chance encounter

7. Jukuk (Inuit) – Meaning luck or chance

8. Lot (Hebrew) – Meaning destiny or chance

9. Maza (Choctaw) – Meaning luck or chance

10. Rasa (Lithuanian) – Meaning chance or opportunity

11. Rastgele (Turkish) – Meaning random or by chance

12. Risiko (Italian) – Meaning risk or chance

13. Riske (Dutch) – Meaning risk or chance

14. Serendip (Persian) – Meaning fortunate discovery or chance encounter

15. Sors (Latin) – Meaning fate or chance

16. Sualocin (Latin, reverse) – Meaning chance or luck

17. Tuchanka (Hindu) – Meaning chance or luck

18. Ugur (Turkish) – Meaning luck or chance

19. Wager (English) – Meaning bet or chance

20. Zhu (Chinese) – Meaning cast lots or chance

Names That Mean Second

1. Ater (Malay) – Meaning second or next

2. Bini (Swahili) – Meaning second or next

3. Deuce (English) – Meaning two or second

4. Dimas (Greek) – Meaning second son or next in line

5. Doosra (Urdu) – Meaning second or other

6. Dosia (Spanish) – Meaning second or two

7. Duri (Korean) – Meaning two or second

8. Dwitiya (Sanskrit) – Meaning second or next

9. Isange (Rwandan) – Meaning second or next

10. Ithnan (Arabic) – Meaning second

11. Niswi (Ojibwe) – Meaning second

12. Raibh (Irish) – Meaning second or next

13. Saniya (Hindi) – Meaning second or follower

14. Secundo (Italian) – Meaning second or next

15. Segundo (Portuguese) – Meaning second or next

16. Tindahan (Filipino) – Meaning second or store

17. Yini (Chinese) – Meaning second or number two

18. Zal (Persian) – Meaning second or another

19. Zweit (German) – Meaning second

Names Meaning Rescued Or Saved

1. Delaney (Irish) – Dark challenger or defiant

2. Fynn (Old German) – Rescuer or savior

3. Halona (Native American) – Fortunate or happy

4. Jonah (Hebrew) – The Dove represents being saved from a difficult situation.

5. Kaida (Japanese) – Little dragon

6. Mateo (Spanish) – Gift of God

7. Zarek (Slavic) – Protector or defender

8. Ziva (Hebrew) – Radiance or brilliance

Wrapping Up

Names meaning second chance tell stories about starting over, being strong, and hoping for a better future in life. Whether you are looking for a name for someone special or just enjoying the meanings behind them, we wish you joy and excitement in the possibilities these names bring. We hope these names brought you inspiration and a sense of positivity.

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