Names That Mean Wolf – 250+ Ideas For Boys & Girls

Are you looking for names that capture the strong, smart, and loyal qualities associated with wolves? From ancient times to stories dating back over 4,000 years, wolves have been symbols of strength and protection. They are linked to the moon, run in packs, and have a wild beauty that continues to captivate us.

Wolves have become even more famous in TV shows and movies like Teen Wolf and The Twilight Saga. Despite their sometimes scary reputation, people find the idea of wolves fascinating.

So, if you want names that mean wolf for your baby boy or girl, you give them a name that stands for strength and bravery. Check out our list of over 250 names inspired by the powerful and mysterious world of wolves.

If you love names that mean wolf, there are many other cool options to check out. Explore different choices, like Names Meaning Magic, Mermaid Names, Nickname For The Devil, and Gothic Names.

Best Names That Mean Wolf

Best Names That Mean Wolf

  1. Adalwolf (German) – Noble wolf
  2. Akela (Hindi) – Graceful and noble, like a wolf
  3. Amaruq (Inuit) – Grey wolf
  4. Bardan (Gaelic) – Minstrel, like a wolf howling
  5. Bardolf (English) – Axe-wolf
  6. Beowulf (Old English) – Bee wolf
  7. Ciaran (Irish) – Dark-haired, little dark wolf
  8. Dael (Hebrew) – Knowledgeable wolf
  9. Dakota (Sioux) – Friend, ally
  10. Eadwulf (Anglo-Saxon) – Wealthy wolf
  11. Esen (Turkish) – Wind like a wolf
  12. Fenrir (Norse) – Monstrous wolf in mythology
  13. Fenris (Norse) – Mythical wolf
  14. Gerulf (Old English) – Spear wolf
  15. Gruffudd (Welsh) – Strong lord, like a wolf
  16. Hati (Norse) – One of the wolves chasing the moon
  17. Hrolf  – Famous wolf
  18. Ingvar  – Warrior wolf
  19. Inuk (Inuit) – A person, like a wolf
  20. Jarnulf  – Iron wolf
  21. Kaelan (Gaelic) – Slim and fair, like a wolf
  22. Kiba  – Fang
  23. Leolin (Welsh) – Like a lion and a wolf
  24. Lobo (Spanish) – Wolf
  25. Maikoh (Navajo) – Wolf
  26. Nashoba (Choctaw) – Wolf
  27. Nicanor (Greek) – Victory of the people, like a wolf
  28. Odol (Old English) – Wealthy, like a wolf
  29. Odolf (Old English) – Prosperous wolf
  30. Panteleimon (Greek) – All-compassionate, like a wolf
  31. Quillon (Latin) – To be at rest, like a wolf in repose
  32. Quon (Algonquin) – Wolf
  33. Rafe (English) – Wolf counsel
  34. Rudi (German) – Famous wolf
  35. Selvyn (English) – Friend of wolves
  36. Svenulf  – Young wolf
  37. Tala (Native American) – Wolf
  38. Ulfgar  – Wolf spear
  39. Ulfred (Old English) – Wolf of peace
  40. Varg (Swedish) – Wolf
  41. Vukasin (Serbian) – Wolf
  42. Wolfgang (German) – Wolf path
  43. Wulfgar (Old English) – Wolf spear
  44. Xolani (Zulu) – Peaceful wolf
  45. Ylva (Scandinavian) – She-wolf

Boy Names That Mean Wolf

  1. Alabaster (English) – Fine-grained white
  2. Alaska (Native American) – Great Land
  3. Alpha (Greek) – First or leader
  4. Anton (Latin) – Priceless or highly praiseworthy
  5. Apache (Native American) – People known for their strength and courage
  6. Aragorn (Tolkien’s Elvish) – Royal strength
  7. Aspen (English) – Quaking tree with heart-shaped leaves
  8. Bear (Old English) – Large mammal known for its strength and courage
  9. Blackbeard (English) – Nickname for a pirate with a black beard
  10. Blitzer (German) – One who strikes or hits forcefully
  11. Bolt (English) – Swift and powerful like a lightning bolt
  12. Brute (Latin) – Rough, savage, or fierce
  13. Caesar (Latin) – Title for Roman emperors
  14. Grey (English) – The color between black and white
  15. Griffin (Greek) – A mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of an eagle
  16. Hawk (English) – Bird of prey known for its keen vision
  17. Helldog (English) – Fierce and powerful like a creature from hell
  18. Hugo (Germanic) – Bright in mind and spirit
  19. Hunter (English) – One who hunts, pursues, or seeks
  20. Inigo (Spanish) – Fiery or ardent
  21. Jaha (Arabic) – Dignified, noble, or majestic
  22. Jasper (Persian) – Treasurer, bringer of treasure
  23. Jon Snow (English) – Combination of traditional names of characters from Game of Thrones
  24. Keanu (Hawaiian) – Cool breeze over the mountains
  25. Klondike (Hän) – Good, rich, or prosperous
  26. Knight (Old English) – Noble soldier or warrior
  27. Phoenix (Greek) – Mythical bird reborn from its ashes
  28. Platinum (English) – Precious metal
  29. Roan (Irish) – Reddish-brown or little red one
  30. Roman (Latin) – Citizen of Rome or strong, powerful
  31. Scout (Old French) – To listen or observe
  32. Seiko  – Sincere, truthful, or successful child
  33. Shadow (English) – Dark area created by the blocking of light
  34. Shaman (Tungusic) – Spiritual healer
  35. Sheriff (Old English) – Royal official responsible for enforcing the law
  36. Silver (English) – Precious metal with a shiny, white luster
  37. Smoke (English) – Result of burning or heating
  38. Spirit (Latin) – Essence, soul, or life force
  39. Stalker (English) – One who pursues stealthily
  40. Stark (Old English) – Strong, unyielding, or severe

Werewolf Names For Girls

  1. Alpine (Latin) – From the Alps
  2. Amethyst (Greek) – Precious violet or purple gemstone
  3. Anika (German) – Grace
  4. Anya (Russian) – Graceful or gracious
  5. Arctic (Greek) – Polar region at the northernmost part of the Earth
  6. Arwen (Welsh) – Noble maiden or noblewoman
  7. Aurora (Latin) – Goddess of the dawn
  8. Belle (French) – Beautiful
  9. Cheyenne (Native American) – People of alien speech or strangers
  10. Cinder (English) – Residue from a fire
  11. Dawn (English) – Early morning light before sunrise
  12. Diana (Latin) – Goddess of the moon, hunting, and nature
  13. Dusk (Old English) – The darker stage of twilight
  14. Kieko  – Blessing child or happy child
  15. Kona (Hawaiian) – Lady or symbol of the moon
  16. Leia (Hebrew) – Weary or tired
  17. Lexa (Greek) – Defender of the people
  18. Lotus (Greek) – Symbol of purity
  19. Luna (Latin) – Moon, often associated with the night
  20. Maia (Greek) – Goddess of spring
  21. Quicksilver (English) – Another name for the metal mercury
  22. Sage (English) – Wise and judicious person, or the herb
  23. Sephora (Hebrew) – Beauty or bird
  24. Sequoia (Cherokee) – Giant redwood tree
  25. Sierra (Spanish) – Mountain range or saw
  26. Snowflake (English) – Ice crystal
  27. Snow White (English) – Refers to a character from fairy tales
  28. Stardust (English) – Magical or cosmic dust from stars

Unique Names Meaning Wolf

Unique Names Meaning Wolf

  1. Bardan (Gaelic) – Minstrel, like a wolf howling
  2. Bardulf (Old English) – Ax-wolf
  3. Dolf (German) – Wolf
  4. Durok (Slavic) – Spirit of the wolf
  5. Fenrir (Norse) – Monstrous wolf in mythology
  6. Hati (Norse) – One of the wolves chasing the moon
  7. Kagan (Turkish) – Fierce like a wolf
  8. Lobo (Spanish) – Wolf
  9. Lupus (Latin) – Wolf
  10. Lyall (Scottish) – Wolf
  11. Lycan (Greek) – Wolf-like
  12. Okami  – Wolf
  13. Onai (African) – Wolf
  14. Ragnulf  – Wolf counsel
  15. Rolf  – Famous wolf
  16. Rudi (German) – Famous wolf
  17. Skoll (Norse) – Wolf who chases the sun
  18. Ulric (Old English) – Wolf ruler
  19. Ulvrik (Scandinavian) – Wolf ruler
  20. Vargr  – Outlaw or wolf
  21. Velvel (Yiddish) – Wolf
  22. Vuk (Serbian) – Wolf
  23. Warg  – Wolf in Norse mythology
  24. Wargus (Anglo-Saxon) – Wolf-like
  25. Wulfric (Old English) – Wolf ruler
  26. Ylmer (Swedish) – Famous wolf
  27. Zev (Hebrew) – Wolf

Cool Names That Mean Wolf

  1. Amarok (Inuit) – Giant wolf
  2. Bardan (Gaelic) – Minstrel
  3. Conan (Irish) – Little Wolf
  4. Durr (Albanian) – Wolf
  5. Faolan (Irish) – Little Wolf
  6. Hati (Norse) – One of the wolves chasing the moon
  7. Lobo (Spanish) – Wolf
  8. Lycus (Greek) – Wolf
  9. Lykan (Greek) – Like a wolf
  10. Okul (Turkish) – Wolf eyes
  11. Remus (Latin) – Twin brother raised by a she-wolf in Roman mythology
  12. Rolf  – Famous wolf
  13. Rukha (Sanskrit) – Howling wolf
  14. Ulfgar  – Wolf spear
  15. Ulric (Old English) – Wolf ruler
  16. Vargulf (Swedish) – Wolf spirit
  17. Volchek (Russian) –
  18. Warg  – Wolf in Norse mythology
  19. Wargus (Anglo-Saxon) – Wolf-like
  20. Ylmer (Scandinavian) – Famous wolf

Names Meaning Little Wolf

  1. Lilleulv
  2. Lilleulven
  3. Lillulv
  4. Littelvargr
  5. Loba
  6. Lobinho
  7. Lobito
  8. Loboito
  9. Loupito
  10. Louvel
  11. Louvelet
  12. Louvet
  13. Luparello
  14. Luparello
  15. Lupe
  16. Lupetto
  17. Lupien
  18. Lupillo
  19. Lupinello
  20. Lupito
  21. Lupulus
  22. Ullok
  23. Ulveli
  24. Ulvrek
  25. Vargus
  26. Volkov

Norse Female Names Meaning Wolf

Norse Female Names Meaning Wolf

  1. Alvilda – Elf battle or battle of elves
  2. Aslaug  – God’s strength or divine strength
  3. Astridr – Beautiful
  4. Brynhildr – Armor or battle
  5. Eirrun – Peaceful or lone wolf
  6. Fenja – She-wolf or
  7. Freki – Greedy one
  8. Gerd – Enclosure
  9. Geri – Raven or she-wolf
  10. Gudrun – God’s secret lore or knowledge
  11. Gunnr – Battle or fight
  12. Helga  – Holy or blessed
  13. Hervor  – Warrior or army
  14. Hildr  – Battle, strife, or strong woman
  15. Hjordis  – Sword goddess
  16. Ragnhildr  – Advice, decision, or battle
  17. Ranveig  – Raven or she-wolf power
  18. Sigrid  – Beautiful victory or fair victory
  19. Sigrún  – Victory and rune
  20. Skjoldrun  – Shield and wolf
  21. Skollrun  – Derived from Sköll
  22. Solveig  – Sun strength or strong in the sun
  23. Thyra  – Thor’s war or thunder goddess
  24. Ulfhildr  – Wolf battle or battle of the wolf
  25. Vargdís  – Wolf goddess

Names That Mean Wolf Warrior

  1. Aelfric (Old English) – Elf ruler
  2. Garmr  – Fierce wolf
  3. Garmund (Old English) – Spear of the wolf
  4. Garulf (Old English) – Spear-wolf
  5. Guadalupe (Spanish) – Valley of the wolf
  6. Gurdwolf (German) – Wolf of war
  7. Hrolf  – Famous wolf
  8. Lobo (Spanish) – Wolf
  9. Lyall (Scottish) – Wolf warrior
  10. Lygar (English) – Warrior with the strength of a lion and the cunning of a wolf
  11. Lykos (Greek) – Wolf
  12. Rolf  – Famous wolf
  13. Ulfbrand  – Wolf sword
  14. Ulfgar – Wolf spear
  15. Ulfstyr  – Wolf strength
  16. Varulf  – Wolf of the oath
  17. Volchok (Russian) –  warrior
  18. Vukasin (Serbian) – Wolf warrior
  19. Wargus (Anglo-Saxon) – Wolf-like warrior
  20. Wulfgar (Old English) – Wolf spear
  21. Wulfram (Old Germanic) – Wolf raven
  22. Ylmer (Scandinavian) – Famous wolf warrior
  23. Ylvastra (Scandinavian) – Strong wolf

Names That Mean Wolf In Japanese

Names That Mean Wolf In Japanese

  1. Arashi – Storm
  2. Chikara – Strength
  3. Fuyu – Winter
  4. Ginka – Silver flower
  5. Goro – Fifth son
  6. Holo (Japanese/Anime-inspired) – Wise wolf
  7. Honoo – Flame
  8. Kage – Shadow
  9. Kawa – River
  10. Kuro – Black
  11. Okami  – Wolf
  12. Ryu – Dragon
  13. Shika – Deer
  14. Shiro – White
  15. Shishi – Lion
  16. Tsuki – Moon
  17. Tsume – Claw

Last Names That Mean Wolf

Last Names That Mean Wolf

  1. Loup (French) – Wolf
  2. Luparev (Russian) – Son of the wolf
  3. Luperini (Italian) – Descendant of the wolf
  4. Lupescu (Romanian) – Wolf
  5. Lykonis (Greek) – Of the wolf
  6. Rukh (Russian) – Wolf
  7. Ulverton (Old English) – Wolf town
  8. Varg (Swedish) – Wolf
  9. Vargesson (Swedish) – Son of the wolf
  10. Varghese (Indian) – Derived from Vargh, meaning wolf
  11. Volkman (German) – Man of the Wolf
  12. Volkovich (Russian) – Son of the wolf
  13. Vulfhart (German) – Wolf heart
  14. Wargrave (Old English) – Wolf’s burrow
  15. Wargriff (Old English) – Wolf’s grip
  16. Wargrove (Old English) – Wolf’s grove
  17. Woolfen (English) – Fen of the wolf
  18. Woolfson (English) – Son of the wolf
  19. Wulfsberg (German) – Mountain of wolves
  20. Zevon (Hebrew) – Gift of the wolf

We hope you will find the perfect name for your little one among these options, embracing the unique charm and significance each one holds.

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