Names That Mean Blue – Fire, Moon, Eyes, Dragon, And More

The color blue is special because it reminds us of many beautiful things. For example, we see blue when we look at the sky or the ocean. The moon shines with a gentle blue light at night. Some people have blue eyes, which can be very pretty. Dragons sometimes have blue scales in stories, making them powerful and mysterious. So, when we think of blue, we think of calm skies, deep oceans, and magical creatures, making it a color full of inspiration and wonder.

We offer an extensive selection of name lists to assist you in choosing the perfect name for your baby or the next hero in your novel like Names Meaning Colorful, Purple, or Rainbow.

10 Names That Mean Blue Moon

Luna Azura – This name combines “Luna,” meaning moon, with “Azura,” which signifies the color blue. It reflects the enchanting blue hue of the moon.

Indigo Selene – “Indigo” represents a deep shade of blue, while “Selene” is associated with the moon in Greek mythology, portraying the blue moon’s serene beauty.

Cerulean Lunar – “Cerulean” describes a vibrant blue color, paired with “Lunar,” emphasizing the connection to the moon’s celestial presence.

Sapphire Moonbeam – “Sapphire” refers to the precious blue gemstone, while “Moonbeam” symbolizes the gentle light of the moon, capturing the essence of a blue moon’s glow.

Azure Nightfall – “Azure” denotes a bright blue color reminiscent of the sky, combined with “Nightfall,” evoking the deep blue hues of the sky during twilight, akin to the ambiance of a blue moon.

Cyan Lunaire – “Cyan” signifies a shade of blue-green, paired with “Lunaire,” the French word for lunar, highlighting the unique appearance of a blue moon.

Cobalt Nocturne – “Cobalt” represents a vivid blue pigment, while “Nocturne” evokes the mysterious beauty of the night, embodying the allure of a blue moon’s enchanting presence.

Aqua Moonlight – “Aqua” describes the color of water, often associated with shades of blue, combined with “Moonlight,” capturing the ethereal glow of the moon in its blue phase.

Teal Lunaria – “Teal” signifies a blend of blue and green hues, paired with “Lunaria,” derived from the word lunar, encapsulating the mystical allure of a blue moon.

Cobalt Luna – This name combines the vibrant blue of “Cobalt” with “Luna,” the Latin word for moon, reflecting the deep blue radiance of the moon during a rare blue moon event.

10 Dragon Blue Meaning Names

Dragon Blue Meaning Names

Azure Drake – “Azure” represents a bright blue color, while “Drake” refers to a male dragon, symbolizing a majestic blue dragon.

Sapphire Serpent – “Sapphire” signifies the precious blue gemstone, combined with “Serpent,” reflecting the sleek and powerful nature of a blue dragon.

Cobalt Wyrm – “Cobalt” describes a vivid blue pigment, paired with “Wyrm,” an archaic term for dragon, embodying the strength and ferocity of a blue dragon.

Indigo Draco – “Indigo” represents a deep shade of blue, combined with “Draco,” the Latin word for dragon, portraying the mysterious allure of a blue dragon.

Cyan Wyvern – “Cyan” denotes a blue-green color, while “Wyvern” refers to a smaller, two-legged dragon, symbolizing agility and cunning in a blue dragon.

Aqua Drake – “Aqua” signifies a shade of blue reminiscent of water, paired with “Drake,” symbolizing a water-dwelling blue dragon.

Turquoise Wyrm – “Turquoise” represents a blend of blue and green hues, combined with “Wyrm,” conveying the unique appearance and power of a turquoise-hued dragon.

Cerulean Dragonet – “Cerulean” describes a vibrant blue color, while “Dragonet” refers to a young dragon, capturing the energy and potential of a young blue dragon.

Royal Leviathan – “Royal” signifies a deep, majestic blue color, paired with “Leviathan,” evoking the immense size and power of a blue dragon resembling a mythical sea monster.

Navy Dragoon – “Navy” represents a dark blue color, while “Dragoon” refers to a mounted infantry soldier in medieval times, symbolizing the disciplined and formidable nature of a navy blue dragon.

10 Names With The Meaning Of Blue Fire, Eyes, Sky And Ocean

Names With The Meaning Of Blue Fire, Eyes, Sky And Ocean

Sapphire Inferno – “Sapphire” denotes the deep blue gemstone, paired with “Inferno,” representing the fierce nature of blue fire.

Cobalt Flare – “Cobalt” describes a vivid blue pigment, combined with “Flare,” signifying the bright and sudden eruption of blue flames.

Cerulean Inferno – “Cerulean” describes a vibrant blue color, paired with “Inferno,” symbolizing the intense and powerful heat of blue fire.

Navy Combustion – “Navy” represents a dark blue color, combined with “Combustion,” signifying the process of burning, reflecting the intense heat and energy of blue fire.

Azure Gaze – “Azure” denotes a bright blue color, paired with “Gaze,” symbolizing the piercing and intense stare often associated with blue eyes.

Sapphire Stare – “Sapphire” represents the deep blue gemstone, combined with “Stare,” reflecting the focused and captivating gaze of blue eyes.

Cyan Glimpse – “Cyan” denotes a blue-green color, while “Glimpse” symbolizes a brief and partial view, capturing the enchanting allure of blue eyes.

Aqua Stare – “Aqua” signifies a shade of blue reminiscent of water, paired with “Stare,” evoking the penetrating and serene gaze of blue eyes.

Cerulean Look – “Cerulean” describes a vibrant blue color, paired with “Look,” symbolizing the expressive and captivating gaze of blue eyes.

Navy Glance – “Navy” represents a dark blue color, paired with “Glance,” reflecting the mysterious and profound gaze of blue eyes.

10 Names That Mean Blue Japanese

Names That Mean Blue Japanese

Aoi – This is a unisex Japanese name that means “blue” and is often associated with the color of the sky or ocean.

Mizuki – Another unisex name, Mizuki means “beautiful moon” or “water moon,” which can evoke the serene blue reflection of the moon on water.

Sora – Sora is a gender-neutral Japanese name meaning “sky,” which is often depicted as a vast expanse of blue.

Ruri – Ruri is a feminine Japanese name that translates to “lapis lazuli,” a deep blue gemstone, symbolizing the richness of the color blue.

Hikaru – While commonly known as a name meaning “light” or “radiance,” Hikaru can also carry the connotation of a brilliant blue color.

Takao – This masculine name means “blue-green,” combining the Japanese words for “blue” (ao) and “green” (midori).

Seiran – Seiran is a unisex name meaning “blue orchid” in Japanese, suggesting the delicate beauty and color of the flower.

Aomame – Aomame is a feminine name that translates to “green bean” in Japanese, but the character for “ao” can also mean blue, making it a subtle reference to the color.

Nanami – While primarily interpreted as “seven seas” in Japanese, Nanami can also be associated with the vastness and blueness of the ocean.

Asagi – Asagi is a unisex name that means “pale blue” in Japanese, representing the soft and gentle hue often seen in the sky or water.

5 Names Means Blue In Arabic

Azraq – Azraq is an Arabic name that directly translates to “blue.” It represents the color blue, often associated with the sky and the ocean.

Lazraq – Lazraq is another Arabic name meaning “blue,” symbolizing the serene and calming hue of the color.

Aasal – Aasal is an Arabic name that can mean “blue” or “azure,” reflecting the vibrant and captivating shade of the color.

Zerqaa – Zerqaa is a less common Arabic name that signifies “blue,” evoking images of clear skies and tranquil waters.

Ghayth – While primarily meaning “rain” in Arabic, Ghayth can also be interpreted as “blue,” representing the refreshing and rejuvenating nature of the color.

5 Names That Mean Blue For Boys

Neel – Means “blue” in Indian.

Blaine – Associated with the color blue in Gaelic.

Skyler – Derived from “sky,” often blue.

Oceanus – Tied to the ocean, often blue, in Greek.

Marlin – Connected to the sea, which is often blue.

5 Names That Mean Blue For Girls

Azura – Evokes the color blue, signifying tranquility.

Lapis – Inspired by the blue gemstone, symbolizing sophistication.

Marina – Means “of the sea,” representing the blue ocean.

Cyan – Directly refers to the modern, distinctive blue-green color.

Aqua – Derived from “water,” often depicted as blue, symbolizing purity and calmness.

5 Names That Mean Blue For Unisex

Sky – Reflecting the vastness and serenity of the blue sky.

River – Associated with bodies of water, often depicted as blue.

Cerulean – Inspired by the vibrant blue color of the sky or sea.

Ocean – Symbolizing the deep blue hue of the ocean.

Azure – Evoking the clear blue color of the sky on a sunny day.


What name means blue in Greek?

The name “Glaucus” means “blue-gray” in Greek. It was also the name of several characters in Greek mythology, often associated with the sea or marine life.

What Russian name means blue?

The Russian name “Siniy” means “blue” in English. It is a common name used for boys in Russian-speaking countries.

What name means blue in Latin?

The Latin name “Caeruleus” means “blue” in English. It can be used as a name for humans.

What is the rarest blue name?

One relatively uncommon blue name for a human could be “Azura,” derived from the word “azure,” representing a bright blue color.

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