Greek Male Names – 250+ Classic God-Inspired Options

Are you looking for cool and meaningful Greek male names for your baby boy? We have an extensive list for you to explore a variety of Greek boy names, from classic ones like Alexander and Theodore to more unique choices like Lazarus and Phoenix.

Greek names have a long history, and some names you might think are British, like Andrew and Philip, originated in Greece. If you are into popular names, Atticus, Elias, and Lucas are hot favorite these days.

If you are a fan of Greek mythology, you can go for names like Apollo, Atlas, Orion, or Perseus. These names come with exciting stories from ancient times.

Choosing a name can be a fun process, but picking one you love is essential. We have put together this list to help you explore options, whether you are interested in traditional names, modern choices, or something unique.

If you like the names associated with ancient Greek mythology, you will love to explore other amazing options like African American Girl Names, Tough Boy Names, One-Syllable Girl Names, and Fantasy Female Names.

Best Greek Male Names

Best Greek Male Names

  1. Achilles – Pain
  2. Adonis – Lord
  3. Ajax – Eagle
  4. Alexander – Defender of the people
  5. Andreas – Manly, brave
  6. Antigonus – Against birth
  7. Apollo – Destroyer
  8. Aristarchus – Best ruler
  9. Ariston – Best
  10. Atticus – Man of Attica
  11. Cadmus – Dragon’s teeth
  12. Callias – Beautiful
  13. Constantine – Constant, steadfast
  14. Damon – To tame
  15. Demetrius – Follower of Demeter
  16. Dimitri – Earth-lover
  17. Dionysius – Follower of Dionysos
  18. Elias – The Lord is my God
  19. Eros – Love
  20. Evander – Goodman
  21. Heracles – Glory of Hera
  22. Hercules – Glory of Hera
  23. Hermes – Messenger of the gods
  24. Iason – Healer
  25. Icarus – To ascend
  26. Leonidas – Lion’s son
  27. Lycomedes – Wolf leader
  28. Lycurgus – Wolf-worker
  29. Menelaus – Strength of the people
  30. Neoptolemus – New war
  31. Nestor – Voyager
  32. Nicholas – Victory of the people
  33. Nikos – Victory
  34. Odysseus – Wrathful
  35. Orion – Hunter
  36. Panos – Rock
  37. Pericles – Surrounded by Glory
  38. Perseus – Destroyer
  39. Philo – Love
  40. Phoebus – Bright, shining
  41. Ptolemy – Warlike
  42. Pyrrhus – Red-haired
  43. Socrates – Whole, safe
  44. Stavros – Cross, crucifix
  45. Thales – To blossom
  46. Theo – God’s gift
  47. Theron – Hunter
  48. Theseus – To set
  49. Xenophon – Stranger-friendly

Unique Greek Boy Names And Meanings

Unique Greek Boy Names And Meanings

  1. Aether – Upper air, heavenly
  2. Aion – Eternal, timeless
  3. Akakios – Innocent
  4. Alaric – Ruler of all
  5. Anaximander – Master of men
  6. Astraeus – Starry
  7. Caelum – Sky, heavens
  8. Calix – Very handsome
  9. Callixtus – Most Beautiful
  10. Calyx – Outermost whorl of a flower
  11. Cerulean – Deep blue color
  12. Charon – Ferryman of the underworld
  13. Cosmo – Universe, order
  14. Cyprian – From Cyprus, the island of Aphrodite
  15. Eleutherios – Free, liberator
  16. Eudoxios – Esteemed, respected
  17. Evadne – Pleasing water
  18. Evren – Universe, cosmos
  19. Galenos – Tranquil, calm
  20. Helios – Sun god
  21. Hyperion – High-minded, lofty
  22. Iliad – Epic poem of Troy
  23. Ilios – Sun
  24. Kallias – Beautiful
  25. Kassander – Shining like a helmet
  26. Kyros – Lord
  27. Leandros – Lion-man
  28. Leontios – Lion-like
  29. Lygos – Wolf
  30. Lyreus – Musician with a lyre
  31. Lyron – Song of joy
  32. Melanthios – Dark flower
  33. Myrmidon – Fierce warrior
  34. Myron – Fragrant oil
  35. Nereus – The sea god
  36. Orestes – Mountain dweller
  37. Orion – Rising in the sky
  38. Pantheon – Temple of all gods
  39. Pharos – Lighthouse
  40. Pyrrhus – Flame-colored
  41. Stelios – Star
  42. Thespis – Inspiration for drama and theater
  43. Xenon – Stranger, foreigner
  44. Zenos – Gift of Zeus

Traditional Greek Names

Traditional Greek Names

  1. Agapi – Love
  2. Alexandros – Defender of the people
  3. Anastasia – Resurrection
  4. Antonis – Priceless
  5. Apostolos – Apostle
  6. Aspasia – Welcome
  7. Athina – Goddess of wisdom
  8. Christos – Anointed one
  9. Chrysanthi – Golden flower
  10. Despina – Lady
  11. Dimitrios – Follower of Demeter
  12. Efterpi – Delight
  13. Eirene – Peace
  14. Eleftheria – Freedom
  15. Eleni – Light
  16. Evgenia – Well-born, noble
  17. Fotini – Light
  18. Giannis – God is gracious
  19. Giorgos – Farmer
  20. Glykeria – Sweet, pleasant
  21. Haralambos – Joyful light
  22. Ioannis – God is gracious
  23. Irene – Peace
  24. Katerina – Pure
  25. Kostas – Constant, steadfast
  26. Kyriakos – Belonging to the Lord
  27. Leonidas – Lion’s son
  28. Margarita – Pearl
  29. Maria – Beloved
  30. Marina – Of the sea
  31. Michalis – Who is like God?
  32. Nektarios – Gift of God
  33. Niketas – Victor
  34. Nikolas – Victory of the people
  35. Panagiotis – All-holy
  36. Paraskevi – Preparation
  37. Pavlos – Small, humble
  38. Petros – Rock
  39. Sophia – Wisdom
  40. Spyros – Spirit
  41. Stamatia – Stop, stand still
  42. Stavros – Cross, crucifix
  43. Thodoris – Gift of God
  44. Vasiliki – Queen
  45. Vasilis – King, regal
  46. Zoi – Life

Modern Greek Boy Names

Modern Greek Boy Names

  1. Akis – Man of knowledge
  2. Alexios – Defender
  3. Angelos – Messenger, angel
  4. Aris – Best, excellent
  5. Christoforos – Christ-bearer
  6. Christos – Anointed one
  7. Damianos – Tame, subdue
  8. Dimitriadis – Son of Demeter
  9. Efthimis – Well-pleasing
  10. Evaggelos – Messenger of good news
  11. Fotis – Light
  12. Giannis – God is gracious
  13. Giorgos – Farmer
  14. Grigorios – Watchful, alert
  15. Iordanis – Descending, flowing down
  16. Kleanthis – Glory
  17. Kostantinos – Constant, steadfast
  18. Kostis – Constant, steadfast
  19. Kyriakos – Belonging to the Lord
  20. Kyrillos – Lordly
  21. Leandros – Lion-man
  22. Leonis – Lion-like
  23. Marios – Male, virile
  24. Michalis – Who is like God?
  25. Niketas – Victor
  26. Nikos – Victory
  27. Sotiris – Savior
  28. Spyros – Spirit
  29. Stavros – Cross, crucifix
  30. Stefanos – Crowned one
  31. Stelios – Star
  32. Thaleia – Flourishing
  33. Thanos – Noble, aristocratic
  34. Themis – Law, custom
  35. Theodoros – Gift of God
  36. Vassilios – Royal, kingly
  37. Yannis – God is gracious

Cute Greek Boy Names

Cute Greek Boy Names

  1. Agathon – Good, virtuous
  2. Alkyoneus – Kingfisher
  3. Amaltheios – Nurturing
  4. Amarantos – Unfading
  5. Anestis – Resurrection
  6. Arion – Melodious
  7. Aristos – Best, excellent
  8. Arsenios – Virile, potent
  9. Charisios – Graceful, charming
  10. Chariton – Graceful, beloved
  11. Christakis – Christ-bearer
  12. Dimos – People, Community
  13. Dorian – From Doris, a region in Greece
  14. Elefterios – Free, liberated
  15. Elies – Olive trees
  16. Elpidios – Hopeful
  17. Euthymios – Cheerful, optimistic
  18. Evgenios – Well-born, noble
  19. Filo – Friend
  20. Galinos – Serene, tranquil
  21. Iktinos – Builder
  22. Iroas – Rainbow
  23. Kallikrates – Beautiful Strength
  24. Kiprios – From Cyprus
  25. Kiriakos – Belonging to the Lord
  26. Lefteris – Free, liberated
  27. Lykourgos – Wolf worker
  28. Lysandros – Liberator of men
  29. Lysias – Liberator
  30. Makis – Gift of God
  31. Miltiadis – Kind, merciful
  32. Nikandros – Victory of a man
  33. Nikias – Victorious
  34. Orestis – Mountain dweller
  35. Orpheus – Dark, Darkness
  36. Panaretos – All-holy
  37. Panos – Rock
  38. Periklis – Surrounded by Glory
  39. Philoxenos – Friend to strangers
  40. Ploutos – Wealth
  41. Polykarp – Much fruit
  42. Stelios – Star
  43. Thalassios – Of the sea
  44. Thespian – Inspired by Thespis
  45. Thodoris – Gift of God
  46. Thymios – Spirited
  47. Xenophanes – Stranger-sounding

Mediterranean Boy Names

Mediterranean Boy Names

  1. Adriano – Man from Adria
  2. Alberto – Noble, bright
  3. Alessandro – Defender of the people
  4. Alessio – Defender of the people
  5. Amerigo – Home ruler
  6. Dante – Enduring
  7. Dario – Upholder of the good
  8. Elio – Sun
  9. Enzo – Ruler of the household
  10. Ettore – Steadfast
  11. Fabio – Bean grower
  12. Fortunato – Lucky, fortunate
  13. Francesco – Freeman
  14. Gennaro – January-born
  15. Giacomo – Supplanter
  16. Giancarlo – God is gracious
  17. Gino – Farmer
  18. Giovanni – God is gracious
  19. Giuseppe – God will add
  20. Ignazio – Fiery
  21. Jacopo – Supplanter
  22. Leonardo – Brave lion
  23. Lorenzo – Laurel-crowned
  24. Luca – Light
  25. Marcello – Young warrior
  26. Marco – Warlike
  27. Massimo – Greatest
  28. Matteo – Gift of God
  29. Nico – Victory of the people
  30. Orlando – Famous land
  31. Osvaldo – God’s rule
  32. Ottavio – Eighth
  33. Paolo – Small
  34. Pietro – Rock
  35. Rafael – God has healed
  36. Renato – Born again
  37. Riccardo – Powerful ruler
  38. Salvatore – Savior
  39. Sergio – Servant
  40. Tommaso – Twin
  41. Urbano – City dweller
  42. Valentino – Strong, healthy
  43. Vittorio – Victor

Wrapping Up

Whether you are into strong and timeless names or names with exciting stories from Greek mythology, there is something for everyone.

Choosing a name can be fun, and we hope our list will give you some cool ideas. We want these names to spark your imagination and inspire you as you consider what name will suit your little guy best.

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